Thursday, May 31, 2007

Beach Goddess

Well the first day she couldn't walk 2 steps on the beach without falling but after a couple of day she was an old pro. She loved playing in the sand and walking in the ocean. I still can't get enough of the bathing suit her Aunt Brianna bought her. It is fantastic.

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Friday, May 25, 2007

Avery Enjoys the Playground

There was a great playground right by the pier on Clearwater Beach and Avery had a great time playing on that.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The first Florida Shots

Hi Everyone,
We are back from Clearwater Beach where Avery had a fabulous time swimming. I am in the process of adding a video of her swimming so be sure to check it out. We had a lovely time and as you can see from the photos, Avery really enjoyed the pool.

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Monday, May 07, 2007

I love my Cousins

We had Nolan and Wyatt overnight a couple of weekends ago and Avery thought she was in heaven. Her new favourite word is Wyatt and she says it about 100 times a day.

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I love my Water and Sand table

It is a good thing it is warm outside otherwise she would be soaking wet and freezing cold.

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More action photos

She continues to be adventurous. I am starting to get pretty convinced it is only a matter of time before she gets her first head injury.

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Fun in the Sun with the Peanut

Here ar a few shots that show some of what Avery has been doing now that the sun is shining. She is loving being outside.

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