Thursday, November 27, 2008

Mountain climbing McKinley

This is what happens when you leave the kitchen stool by the island and let you infant out to play while you continue enjoying your dinner. You look over your shoulder and see him playing with a fork and thinking about preparing his own dessert.
He is driving his mother crazy because he is into everything!

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Party time in the Bath

Maren and McKinley are both huge fans of bath time so it was fun to put them together and let the party happen.

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Fun at the park

McKinley likes to be on the swings, not quite as much as Avery loves them but it is a start.

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Weekend at Bri's

We left Halloween night to spend a day at Brianna's house. You can see in the photo that Uncle Mark has his 'I'm to sexy for my face' beard growing so he is ready for hunting season. McKinley remains charming and happy but just into everything and he crawls at the speed of light. The last photo is Avery doing one of her favourite things, playing on the swings.

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Last of Halloween

Avery's second favourite thing to do was to hand out Halloween candy to other kids trick or treating.
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More Halloween

Here are some close up shots of the 'kitty cat' in action. Watch out for her claws!

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Happy Halloween

Here are the kids at Halloween. It was soooo great. Avery is still singing Halloween songs. She loved trick or treating and after every house asked "where are we going to go now!!" McKinley just chilled out in his bulldog costume in the backpack.

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Friday, October 31, 2008

Pre Halloween Dress Up

Avery is starting to enjoy playing dress up more often. I thought this was a spectacular outfit she put together but I am sure the fact that I shared these pics will cost her a fortune in therapy bills.

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Face Painting

We went out to Ferguson's Farm near St. Thomas and enjoyed their Scarecrow Festival. We picked pumpkins from a pumpkin patch, went on a horse drawn carriage ride, found our way through the corn maze and Avery had her face painted. It was a lovely morning and you can see how the butterfly looks in the photos.

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Like Father like Son

How do you like my little pogie baby? And my racecar princess?

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More Cleveland shots

Craig was very proud of his outdoor football watching set up that he put together at Julie's house.

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