Thursday, January 24, 2008

McKinley's Expressions

He is starting to be more expressive so I thought we should throw up a few pics. He is very quick to smile these days but unfortunately his mother is not very quick to capture it on film. I am hoping to get better at this.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Happy Birthday and Bye Bye Soother

So we decided that her birthday party would also be a bye bye soother party. Avery, not realizing what she was agreeing to, was on board with the plan and even seemed excited about it. She was telling perfect strangers that she was going to 'cut the soother, throw it in the garbage and say bye-bye soother'. Of course once reality set in she was not so impressed with the plan and over a week later we are still trying to get back to a normal bedtime routine without buckets of tears and me pulling my hair out. My new mantra is: This too shall pass...this too shall pass...this too shall pass....

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Avery's 2nd Birthday Party

Here are a few photos from the family birthday party we had for Avery.

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Monkey Time

If you have ever been at our house during the bedtime routine you will recognize that these photos were taken during what Avery calls 'Monkey Time'. This is when she jumps all over our bed as we all sing 'No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed' and then we have some tickles, etc. All in all it is one of our favourite times of day.

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Bath Time!

So far I am able to bath the2 kids together without Avery drowning McKinley so that helps me be efficient in one area of my life. (probably the only area these days!)

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Friday, January 04, 2008

Recent McKinley Photos

Hi Everyone,
Happy New Year. We had a busy holiday and Avery was quite sick so that made things interesting. Life is starting to get back to normal and I thought I would post a few recent photos of McKinley because we think he has changed so much. As of this morning he is 10 lbs and started smiling at us. We have been trying for over a week to get a good photo of him but as soon as we pull the camera out he starts doing facial contortions. These ones are the best I have but we think he definitely looks even better in person.

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