Saturday, March 22, 2008

The last of the Park pics

Here are the last photos for this flurry of blogging. Enjoy until next time.

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More Park time

Here are a few more shots of us playing in the park and some rare photos of Avery and her mom. Usually I am the one taking photos so you would never know that I actually do things with her on occasion.

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Wakey, Wakey Sleepy Baby

Meghan took these shots of McKinley sleeping in the stroller while we were playing at the park.
Unfortunately, McKinley is not the perfect baby he once was and I am currently in the process of figuring out how to get him back on track.

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AVery and Auntie Meghan

Daddy was away in Calgary on a course so the kids and I spent the weekend at my parent's place and Meghan was in town too. Here are some great pics of Avery bonding with her Auntie Meghan.

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Avery Goes Snowmobiling

I was curious to see if she would be nervous or not but of course she loved going fast and the first thing she said when she came back after her first run was..."I want to do it again".
That's my girl.

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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

McKinley's Smiles

He is a very smiley happy baby. Here is some photographic evidence.

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Who's Who?

Everyone is still trying to figure out who McKinley looks like and every time I dress him in this outfit it reminds me of Avery so I thought it would be fun to compare photos of the two kids.
The last 2 photos show each of them when they first went in the Bumbo chair

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Now Just McKinley

That's right a whole series featuring Baby #2. See he is not neglected...that much.

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The Bath Part 2

These photos are some of my favourites.

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Family Bath Time

Here are some fun photos of the kids in the bath. Yes, finally some more photos of McKinley. I told you I am trying to be better.

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