Thursday, May 15, 2008

Strawberry Smoothies

These were a big hit with the kids. In the last photo you can see Aunt Sandi trying to offset the sugar rush with some water but they were not all that interested.

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Maren on the beach

I know the blog is supposed to be for Avery and McKinley but who can resist these photos of Maren. She was a superstar for the trip we thought she would be the most trouble but she was probably the easiest kid.

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Some evidence that McKinley was there

He is not as exciting to photograph these days but we did manage to get a few shots of him.

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More of the Thai Girls

Basically the Curacao photos will never end so just sit back and enjoy

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Thursday, May 08, 2008

Thailand Girls

Avery and Maren in outfits that Grandma brought home from Thailand. Notice how Avery is bulging out of hers. Such a dainty girl. Also Craig is a little perturbed by the second photo.

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I am sure I will be doing about 40 posts of all the photos we have but Avery is with me right now and she thinks the first photo is "so cute Mommy".

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The Flying Grahambrino

That was our nickname for Brianna and Graham because they ended up performing in the circus show on Thursday night wearing really nice pink and blue unitards.

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Boinga, boinga

There was a circus school at the resort with a trampoline that the kids had a great time bouncing on. Avery loved it. The third photo is a nice family shot of Brianna, Graham, Callum and Maren and the last photo is Avery sitting on the toilet but peeking around the door because she doesn't want to miss anything.

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