Friday, July 04, 2008

My mother the Sherpa

Had a great walk home from the park as you can see by the last photo when I had to carry both the kids.

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What a difference sepia makes

I decided to repost this photo cause I thought it looked so much better in sepia.
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They are so cute

I am surprised a modeling agent has not seen the blog and tried to sign them up!

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Summer photos begin

Some fun photos of the kids.

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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The Flying trapeze

You will see the only photo of me actually doing the trapeze. It was great, a long time dream of mine to do. Also a nice family photo. That way you can actually see that I am in the family and not always behind the camera!

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Back to Curacao

I know, you thought I had moved on but there are still some great photos for the fans to enjoy. I had to put in the last one of Maren enjoying her birthday cake. She was so funny, she attacked it with gusto!

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