Monday, December 07, 2009

Cupcake time

The kids played pin the tail on the donkey which was fun to watch and then Muddy enjoyed his Oscar the Grouch cupcakes.

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Our new sturdy nephew & Muddy opening presents

Finley is 5 weeks old in this photo and looks like he is about 5 months old. He is a hefty thing but sweet as anything. Avery is starting to get more adventurous with her gymnastics moves. McKinley had a great time opening his presents. He loved his books, cars, remote control cement truck and guitar.

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Sunday, December 06, 2009

Joy to Stress

McKinley was having a great time but when he went down the slide he was a little unsure and made sure he was hanging on for dear life.

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Pure Joy

This is the expression that I love. Happiness.

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More fun at the park

The kids love a playground. Especially one they have never seen before.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Story time and then to the Park

We had a fun time at the park but it was a bit tricky to try and get Muddy out of that jeep. All of the rest of the kids at the park were out of luck if they had plans to drive it that day. He didn't even want to eat lunch, he was too busy driving to Florida. Avery and Callum on the other hand were running around like crazy because they kept getting put in the tower by the dragon and a bad guy. Fortunately if one of them was in the tower the other one had a sword handy to slay the dragon and the bad guy and rescue their trapped friend.

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Another visit to Finley

I know that Finley looks big enough to be 4 months old but he is only 5 weeks old. We had lots of fun teasing him all weekend long. He is very lovely and good and we enjoyed cuddling with him all weekend long.

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

My little helpers

We were making icing to decorate a cake for Grandpa Adkins 60th birthday and you can see from the photos what happens when McKinley gets involved. I was really happy with how the cake turned out so I couldn't resist posting a couple of photos.

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Happy Halloween

Here are a few shots of the kids in their Halloween costumes. Originally Avery was supposed to be Princess Ariel but she was not cool with wearing warm clothes under the dress (you could see the pants) so we made a last minute switch to her unicorn costume. McKinley was a bulldog. They both had the best time. Avery was focused on getting to as many houses as possible to get lots of candy while McKinley was more social and enjoyed walking into peoples homes and having a conversation.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

More Princesses

There is no escaping the Princesses.

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More Downtown Disney Photos

We also made a pit stop at Lego Land and I was totally impressed by all the big lego creations on display.

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