Monday, January 26, 2009

Christmas Photo shoot part 2

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Christmas photo shoot cont

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How cute are they?

I realize I am biased but they are adorable. The last 2 photos are from Mommy's "Christmas Photo Shoot". Most of you enjoyed your Christmas magnet. Here are some of the rest of the photos.

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More Birthday Party

He loved his cake (a replica of Muddy Waters' guitar). What a great face!

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McKinley's Birthday Party

We had a family birthday party at our place. He was only a little bit spoiled but he loved having all the kids there. Especially Cameron because he loves the babies.

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Pancake Breakfast with Santa

We met up with our friends Mike and Amy and their 2 kids and had a great time for about $10. I think we will do it again next year.

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Royal Winter Fair

These are some belated photos from when we took the kids to the Royal Winter Fair. It was Meghan's idea and we had a great time. Avery's number one highlight was seeing a cow poop followed closely by when Kate (a big horse) licked her hand. As you can see in the photos, McKinley loved feeding the animals. He was hilarious with absolutely no fear.

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A few more from Avery

I think she really has an eye for unsual details. She seems to be particularly interested in knees.

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Avery's Christmas Photos

A small sample of the photos Avery has taken with her new camera.

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

More Christmas

Avery got a digita camera from Marg & Sandi so she was having a fun time taking blurry pictures of everyone's knees. In the last photo you can see some of the effort that went into making a fabulous Boxing Day meal. Thank you Marg & Sandi and Meghan & Mark.

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Christmas Morning

Here are some shots from Christmas morning.

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