Sunday, February 01, 2009

The end of the Birthday photos

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The Dora Pinata

This was a resounding success.

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Whose party was it

He was an even bigger fan of drink boxes that others left behind and cupcakes.

Post swimming party

McKinley was a big fan of the Cheezies

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The Brithday continues

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More Birthday photos

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Avery's 3rd Birthday Friends Party

We had a party for Avery's friends in Craig's clinic so all the kids went swimming then we had pizza and cupcake and a Dora pinata.
It went well even though there were lots of people there. Avery had a great time and McKinley might have enjoyed it the most!

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Family Party -Opening Presents

Here she is a vision in her Unicorn costume opening her gifts.

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Avery's 3rd Birthday - Family Party

Here are some shot of the family birthday party. We also went swimming at Craig's clinic but i forgot to bring the camera to capture those precious memories.

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Some more pics

The top photo shows a bit of a phase Avery went through where she would bring her new CD player and a blanket and pillow and lie down to listen to her music in this corner of the kitchen. Here she is trying to get McKinley to join her. The next 2 pics are from tobagganing on New Year's Eve. These are the only photos that worked because it was too cold for my camera to take good photos.

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