Thursday, April 23, 2009

Easter Weekend in Cleveland

Avery and McKinley had a great time in Cleveland. Here they are at the playground in Lakewood with their cousins.

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Look what good friends we are

Who know the lid of a box could be so fun.

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Candid shot about nothing

Ah the beautiful natural smile on Avery and how nice McKinley looks in a Dora hip sack.

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Avery's giggles with Daddy

Who needs a play room when you have Mom & Dad's bed? This is a popular spot for jumping, gymnastics class (with Avery as the coasch of course) and tickle parties.

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Mor fun in the bath

Avery is very patient with Muddy and lets him beat her up in the bath without complaint.

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Bath Time

One of the kids favourite times of day. As you can see in the last photo Avery is now at the stage where she can no longer smile normally for the camera. Expect to see several photos like this one.

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Busy Muddy in action

We are trying to be back after a long hiatus. Sorry for the delay, we had some computer problems, sickness and a not very pleasant 3 year old to deal with so that does not leave me in the mood for blogging. On the bright side, I have taken a few photos lately so I have lots to choose from. Plus we leave for vacation next week so there should be tons of great photos of the kids when we return. For those of you not up to date on our life we are heading to England for my brother Seamus' wedding and then we fly to Italy to go on a Mediterranean cruise with Marg and Sandi. I am a little nervous about all the travel with the kids but it should be fun. Avery is a flower girl in the wedding and McKinley is supposed to be the ring bearer (we'll see). We have fabulous outfits for both so there should be lots of great photos.
Feel free to keep the comments coming because it helps me maintain motivation for keeping the blog more up to date!

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