Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Photo FInish

Avery digs in and make a come from behind victory!!

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Olympus continues

Avery and Craig took advantage our our ancient setting to have their own Olympics. A foot race in the original stadium.

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More Olympus shots

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Friday, May 29, 2009

Exercise at Olympus

Our second port was at the site of the Ancient Olympic Games. It was more like a complex then I expected. It was very cool. Avery and Craig were feeling athletically inspired and had a few races.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Oh wait he figured it out

He decided he should walk on the railing and did not feel it was required to have an adult make sure he didn't fall and hurt himself. He is going to be fun as he gets older and more independent I can just tell. The second shot is Avery with her great Aunt Sandi. The third photo demonstrates Craig at his 'I don't want their retinas to burn' best as he looks after sleeping McKinley. Lastly is Avery's new smile for the camera, I wonder how long it will last, I miss the more natural smiles but they are now very tricky to capture.

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The next Shawn Johnson

Actually, I highly doubt it but Avery takes any opportunity she can to walk on a 'balance beam' > Muddy looks like he is just trying to figure out what to do next.

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Our first gelato

We had our first gelato in Bari but it wasn't our last. Avery was very good at sharing with her brother.

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Why McKinley liked Italy

If he was out of the stroller we did not make much progress because we had to stop at every scooter and there were tons of scooters.

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Monday, May 25, 2009

Bari, Italy

This was our first stop. Nothing extremely impressive just a nice Italian town. I was a bit disappointed in their gelato though. Avery had a great time running through the streets and McKinley was enamoured of all the cars and scooters.

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Setting Sail on the Costa Fortuna

Here McKinley and I wave good-bye to Venice as we set sail on our cruise. The last photo is when we sailed past the Piazza San Marco. You will be seeing lots of photos of the Piazza when we return to Venice.

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