Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Final shots in Italy

Finally our trip comes to an end.
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Our last supper

This is our last supper in Italy. I couldn't help but order pizza even though that is what I had for lunch. We sat where we could see the Costa Fortuna set sail on its next trip to the Greek Islands.

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More Piazza San Marco shots

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Cocktails at the Rialto Bridge

Craig and I returned to one of our favourite places, the base of the Rialto Bridge for a drink. The last time we were here we came at sunset, this time it was the middle of the afternoon and we were roasting in the sun. I had a hefty gin and tonic and was feeling no pain for the last bit of sightseeing of the day. I remember telling Avery 'Mommy is a little bit drunk'. Craig was proud.

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I love my Phil and Ted's

except when I have to carry 2 sleeping children over about 30 bridges in Venice. Oh well, at least they are sleeping.

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Mmm...this pigeon food tastes good

and maybe the pigeons would like to see my belly (see last photo)

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McKinley get up close and personal

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Pigeons Galore!

Avery starts to get in on some of that action. Sandi gets one to stay on her shoulder.

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Cant' get enough of those birds

Based on the photo ratios of Avery to McKinley it looks like he was much more entertaining with the pigeons.

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Pigeons on my head

McKinley was very brave when the pigeons landed on his head and check out that svelte belly in the last photo.

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Piazza San Marco

Here we are in Piazza San Marco and the kids loved chasing the pigeons. Of course I have lots of photos of them doing this so sit back and enjoy the volume.

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