Sunday, August 23, 2009

Muddy & Daddy

Craig and Muddy bond over the 'Wheels' section of the newspaper. Muddy gets very excited by all the 'Cars!!' he gets to see. Then Craig got a nice cuddle while they watched 'cars!' on TV as well.

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Sorry it is just adults in this post

I know this is really supposed to be about the kids but I can't resist these photos of the sisters together especially since so many of my waking thoughts are with Meghan and Mark right now and Brianna is there to be supportive of them.
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Fun at Home with Callum & Maren

It is amazing to me that really all you need to keep kids amused is a hose and a big plastic circle to hold water.

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Storybook Gardens part 4 or is it 5 yet?

In case you were wondering McKinley is not supposed to be climbing on the trough in the 2nd picture but it seems he was just warming up his skills before we made our way to the climber where he was completely fearless.

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Storybook Gardens Splashpad!

After a quick look at the otters and sea lions it was off to the awesome splash pad where the kids played for ages.

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Storybook Garden continues...

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Storybook Gardens

We finally made for a visit to Storybook Gardens. We met up with our friends Lara & Brooklyn and had a great day. The kids are the perfect age to enjoy the park.

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Nature pee and more

McKinley shows early signs of gymnastic prowess.

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Marshmallow, tickles and jumping

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More fun a the Beach

Finally time for marshmallows!

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009