Monday, December 07, 2009

Cupcake time

The kids played pin the tail on the donkey which was fun to watch and then Muddy enjoyed his Oscar the Grouch cupcakes.

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Our new sturdy nephew & Muddy opening presents

Finley is 5 weeks old in this photo and looks like he is about 5 months old. He is a hefty thing but sweet as anything. Avery is starting to get more adventurous with her gymnastics moves. McKinley had a great time opening his presents. He loved his books, cars, remote control cement truck and guitar.

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Sunday, December 06, 2009

Joy to Stress

McKinley was having a great time but when he went down the slide he was a little unsure and made sure he was hanging on for dear life.

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Pure Joy

This is the expression that I love. Happiness.

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More fun at the park

The kids love a playground. Especially one they have never seen before.

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