Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tailgating at the Crazy Lot

The day after Clambake we headed down to the total party lot with all the crazy drunk people for our tailgating experience. McKinley was a natural (no surprise). He was in heaven...there were trains going by and airplanes pulling banners behind them and lots of footballs to throw and catch.

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Clambake continued

Craig and Shark stand and watch over the Clamcooker 2000. That is where the magic happens. The last photo shows the Adkins crew.

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Clambake 2010

Here a few shots from this year's Clambake. We brought the bouncy castle also known as 'The Babysitter' down again so life was good for both children and adults.
The last photo of the king crab legs give you some sort of idea of how much food Shark and June prepare for everyone.

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Playing with Papa Shark

Muddy decided he didn't need to wear clothes to play with Papa Shark.

The face painting photos are from our visit to the Western Fair. The kids were enthralled with the results. They love getting their faces painted.

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Jules & Julie

Avery and the inspiration for her middle name Aunt Julie. Then a water fight at Grandma June and Papa Shark's.

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Muddy and Chipolte's

We had Chipolte's for lunch and McKinley for some strange reason gobbled an entire taco and a juice box without barely taking a breath. His stomach was totally huge and bloated when he was done. It was hilarious.

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Lakewood Park

Here we are enjoying our day in Lakewood with the Harvey's and Auntie Julie.

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A summer trip to Cleveland

We made a last minute decision to head down to Cleveland in August and enjoy a pre-season game. Unfortunately the Browns lost that game but we had a great visit with the Adkins and Harvey's.

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Boating with Daddy

The kids liked driving and being in the boat. Muddy is convinced that he is able to drive it all by himself. The bottom photos show Avery in all her loveliness.

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Birthday and Ice Cream

The top 2 photos are from Maren's 3rd birthday party and the last two are taken after a trip to the ice cream store.
Avery and McKinley just spontaneously started holding hands as they were walking and enjoying their ice cream. As you can see from the bottom photo, it looks like Muddy lived up to his nickname and enjoyed it the most.

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