Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wrestling time

Somehow when Craig is involved with children it almost always ends up turning into a wrestling match where everyone piles on Craig.

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And then there's Muddy

What a face. His range of facial expressions usually has me killing myself laughing and sometimes when I need to be getting him in trouble.

As you can see in the bottom 2 photos, Avery is trying to hard to follow in her mother's footsteps. She also told me this morning "I am going to be a really good Mom because I practice with my baby' (her doll) and this comment was followed by the question 'Who am I going to marry?" Not sure whether this is disturbing or hilarious. Feel free to weigh in.

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Our Gorgeous Girl

When I showed Craig these photos of Avery it made him a bit nervous to have such a pretty daughter that will one day be older and interested in boys.
We also both think that in the the 2nd photo Avery looks very similar to her cousin Clare Harvey.

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The fun continues

Craig was the tackling dummy as usual.

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Baseball fun

The kids had a pretty intense baseball game that resulted in lots of fun and giggles. McKinley and Cameron are still working on the accuracy of their base running but they'll figure it out eventually.

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Adkins Family Fun

We got together at Grandma and Grandpa Adkins for Uncle Chris' 40th birthday and had a great time with all the kids in the backyard. Craig was Mr. Fun Guy and the tackling dummy as you will see from the next few collections of photos.

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The Future of Hip Hop?.

He's got it all: the hat worn sideways, the hand grabbing the crotch, and the attitude. Ladies watch out!

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Thursday, July 22, 2010