Friday, August 26, 2011

Kitty cats at our CSA

We get our summer vegetables from an organic farm and when we visit to pick up our veggies the kids got to play with some barn kitties. It was hard to tear them away.

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Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Maren's Turns 4

Here are a few shots from Maren's birthday party.

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Everything you need to know...

...about McKinley is evident in this photo.
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Last day of Gymnastics

Here are a few photos from the last night of gymnastics. Although Muddy was initially full of tears during the beginning of classes that passed and he ended up loving it.

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More time with Isobel

Now McKinley got into the action and got some quality time with Isobel.

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Avery and Lovely Isobel

Here is Avery with Isobel at about 9 weeks. She is the baby of our friends Tom and Catherine and she is cute as a button. Avery was using all her Baby Whisperer techniques and did a great job. She certainly gave Tom a run for his money.

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A lovely series of photos

This is a group of photos that I took that I love. Craig and Avery did not know that I was taking photos of them having a moment.

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