Thursday, April 27, 2006

Another visit with cousin Callum

We have recently returned from another overnight adventure to visit with Brianna, Graham and Callum. Grandma McGuire also made the trip. We had a good visit with only a couple of minor meltdowns by Avery. She seems to love shopping though and was a complete angel in the mall. I am sure this stresses her dad out. Craig has also stated that we are not allowed anymore overnight trips for 2 weeks so any road trips will be minor.
Avery seems to be progressing right on schedule. She has recently discovered her abdominal muscles and enjoys leaning forward so she is sitting upright. As you can see in the last photo she is also able to be put in an exer-saucer (or as Meghan's friends, Dave and Jen, call it 'the circle of neglect') and she really seems to enjoy her time in there so far. Her main activity these days is sucking on and chewing her fingers. Sometimes she is working it so hard that her index finger turns bright red. She is really bright and responsive these days with tons of smiling. We have been doing all sorts of ridiculous things to try to get her to laugh but to no avail so far but it does look like she is on the verge so hopefully it should happen any day now. I will definitely post a video when it happens.
We also wanted to give a shout out to Avery's Uncle Seamus who is apparantly a devoted blog follower we are glad you are enjoying it and we will try to keep it entertaining. Also for those of you who care I have pressured Brianna to start a blog for Callum so I am going to add a link to that so you can check him out. He is very entertaining these days.
Also just another reminder that we love comments so feel free to tell us how much you love the blog, how cute Avery and and to make any requests. We aim to please!

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Saturday, April 22, 2006

More Action Packed Videos

Just wanted to let everyone know that I have added a few of the latest videos. I also had to re register at the website because I couldn't figure out how to log on again. So if you have bookmarked the Vimeo website that will be obsolete but the blog will take you to the new Vimeo webpage.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Oops, missed a photo

Here is the photo of Callum discovering the joy of penmanship. Posted by Picasa

More Easter Weekend Photos

Here are the last of the photos I will send from Easter weekend. As you can see Callum discovered the joys of penmanship just before we were leaving.

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Easter Weekend at the Cottage

We had a nice weekend at the cottage over Easter. Avery was in great form until Brianna, Graham and Callum arrived on Saturday night. I think she gets concerned that Callum might divert the attention away from her. Sleeping through the night has been a thing of the past but is the first order of business once we are home again. Our friends Jenn and Pete with their kids Aidan and Erin dropped by for a visit on Monday. They are the ones that brought the Bumbo seat that Avery is sitting in. We liked it so much we went out and got one for ourselves.
I will be sending some more photos from the weekend.

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Assault caught on film

So here are the 2 munchkins again. We were at the cottage for Easter weekend. Callum is very friendly and extremely interested in Avery. You will be able to see by this sequence of photos exactly what happened. There are actually several photos of Callum beating up Avery but these 3 really capture the emotions involved. Avery will have to learn how to be tough when she is spending time with her cousin Callum. It is really fun to see them interact together even when it is violent.

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Check out that Pumpkin!

Sorry Brianna but I could not resist posting a couple of photos that accentuate the differences in head circumference between Avery and her cousin Callum. I am not sure where Avery lies on the growth chart but Callum is above the 100th percentile. These photos totally crack me up. Brianna will tell you that Callum looks proportionate when you see him in real life. I just hope he doesn't cry himself to sleep on his huge pillow.
But seriously, he is totally adorable and I will be posting some other photos to prove it.
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Thursday, April 13, 2006

Thinking of Justin

On our way home from Oshawa yesterday we stopped by our friends Jenn and Greg to visit their baby Justin who was born 3 days after Avery but he was actually due to come out on March 28th. As you can see they are both very cute but Avery looks like a tank next to him even though he has doubled his weight since he was born. Avery is now 11 lbs and 13 oz and Justin is 6lbs 11oz. It was great to see them together and we look forward to many more visits together and Avery and Justin becoming good friends.
Unfortunately, after we left Oshawa Justin had a bit of a rough time and is back in the hospital. (I am sure the 2 events are unrelated) Our thoughts are with him and we know that he will continue to keep up the good fight.

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Who does Avery look like?

Everyone is always asking if Avery looks like me or Craig so I thought I would try to settle the matter once and for all. The first photo is Avery the second is my and the baby in the third photo is Craig. Feel free to vote and let us know who Avery looks like the most. I will admit that as her eyebrows darken up you can see more of Craig in her.

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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Back in Ontario

Well it was a bit of a fiasco but we did finally make it home safe and sound from the Great White North. Due to a multitude of factors we ended up missing our plane out of Whitehorse but thanks to North Air we caught a flight an hour and a half later and made it home a total of 2 hours later than scheduled. Craig was extremely happy to see us. Much more than the photo demonstrates. The other photos display the sewing projects I did for Meghan while we were visiting. (Oop, I just realized I forgot to rotate one of the photos) She is especially thrilled with her needle holders.
Craig and Avery's Grandpa had fun discovering the changes in Avery over the past 2 weeks. We now heading from Grandma and Grandpa's home to London and then we will be on the road again as we head to the cottage for Easter weekend.

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Last Days in the Yukon

Here are a few photos from our last days in the Yukon. We went out to Swan Haven which is a spot where migrating swans stop to eat. There were 420 swans there but they were pretty far away and you had to use a telescope to see them. Still pretty cool. Then we went to Inn on the Lake for dinner. It is the place where Meghan and Mark are getting married this summer. It was beautiful with yummy food.

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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Last Group of Swimming Photos

This is the last of them, I swear.

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More Swimming Photos

I'm sorry, I just can't resist posting lots of photos of our visit to the pool.

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