Thursday, April 27, 2006

Another visit with cousin Callum

We have recently returned from another overnight adventure to visit with Brianna, Graham and Callum. Grandma McGuire also made the trip. We had a good visit with only a couple of minor meltdowns by Avery. She seems to love shopping though and was a complete angel in the mall. I am sure this stresses her dad out. Craig has also stated that we are not allowed anymore overnight trips for 2 weeks so any road trips will be minor.
Avery seems to be progressing right on schedule. She has recently discovered her abdominal muscles and enjoys leaning forward so she is sitting upright. As you can see in the last photo she is also able to be put in an exer-saucer (or as Meghan's friends, Dave and Jen, call it 'the circle of neglect') and she really seems to enjoy her time in there so far. Her main activity these days is sucking on and chewing her fingers. Sometimes she is working it so hard that her index finger turns bright red. She is really bright and responsive these days with tons of smiling. We have been doing all sorts of ridiculous things to try to get her to laugh but to no avail so far but it does look like she is on the verge so hopefully it should happen any day now. I will definitely post a video when it happens.
We also wanted to give a shout out to Avery's Uncle Seamus who is apparantly a devoted blog follower we are glad you are enjoying it and we will try to keep it entertaining. Also for those of you who care I have pressured Brianna to start a blog for Callum so I am going to add a link to that so you can check him out. He is very entertaining these days.
Also just another reminder that we love comments so feel free to tell us how much you love the blog, how cute Avery and and to make any requests. We aim to please!

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