Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Latest Word

Well there is not too much exciting to report. When you do so much travelling in the beginning, everything else just seems anticlimatic. Avery is doing well as clearly seen in the first very smiley photo. She seems pretty happy and content only eating every 4 hours. It is amazing how much more time there seems to be in a day once you do not have a small child attached to your boob every 4 hours. The latest events include a photo session with Melanie Gillis (thank you Mom for the gift certificate) . The session was amazing Melanie is very talented and Avery was in great form. I can hardly wait to see the photos but I have to wait a couple of weeks until she mails me the proofs. Craig and I made the brave step of leaving Avery with a teenaged babysitter so we could go and see The DaVinci Code with Cam and Kelly. Fortunately everything went smoothly. We were a bit worried because she has been teething lately and has been more prone to waking up at unusual times and giving her lungs a good workout. You can see her chewing on a medicine dropper in the last photo. Also Avery is more in love with her Dad these days which makes Craig very happy. You can see in the third photo how fascinating she finds him. I caught him practicing his guitar playing skills the other night so he can start to serenade her. It's pretty fun to watch.
That's all for now, hope you enjoy the new photos.

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