Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Break is finally over!

I know, I know, I have been slacking off with the postings lately. I apologize for this and I will adding lots of photos and a few videos to make up for it. Avery has been a complete angel lately, lots of smiles, rarely crying, sleeping well and playing fairly independently. I swear her motor skills get better every day. We are getting ready to leave for Vancouver and Whitehorse this weekend so this will be the last few postings for awhile. I will probably add a few photos once we get to Whitehorse and I get access to Meghan and Mark's computer.
As you can see by the second photo we are trying to cultivate her musical skills, not just her athletic ability. The last 2 photos were taken today. This is how I found her in her crib at the end of her nap. As you can see she is starting to move around a lot more. I know when the music from the aquarium starts turning on and off I have to go and reposition her.
She is cracking me up these days.

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