Thursday, September 07, 2006

Oh My God She's Crawling!!

It is official, the Peanut figured out how to crawl and now there is no stopping her. With practice she can now go for some serious distances and almost build up some speed. So now she is into everything. Actually her favourite thing to do is to pull up to standing she does more of that than crawling. She sustained her first head injury this past Tuesday when she lost her balance during a sit to stand transition and hit her forehead on the leg of the coffeetable. It only left a red mark and a small goose-egg. Most of her wipe outs have had safer landings. We spent the past week up at the cottage with the McGuire clan. Seamus is over from England, Brianna, Graham and Callum had the week off and Meghan, Mark and Carl are still in a period of transition so they were there too. Mom was there the entire time and Craig and Dad made it up for the long weekend. The weather was a bit cool but it was good times. Avery is now the aggressor with Callum and he is on defense. So was Carl (the dog) because Avery thought he was great.
She is now using sign language to let us know some of what she wants. As of today she is using 3 baby signs - more, eat and all done. We are still convinced that she is gifted.
So I will post some more photos to tide you over because we are away for another week for the Toronto Film Festival. After that we are (mostly)staying home until November so I will be able to update the blog a bit more regularily for those of you that are addicted and I will be much more diligent about posting video so you can see and hear her in action!
P.S. I still love reading comments so I know that people actually read all the exciting info I post so don't be afraid to tell me what you think. You can do it anonomously

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