Monday, October 30, 2006

The Latest Photos

How is that for a morning face?! Craig and I have come to really enjoy the really large bags under her eyes in the morning.
So life is a bit chaotic right now. Poor Craig is slaving away on the kitchen trying to get everything done before the cabinets get installed a week from Tuesday. I am busy carrying dishes up and down the stairs to the laundry room to wash and trying to keep Avery from getting into the construction zone. She has been a bit of a handful lately - very busy and into everything. I have learned a few things about her in the last week.
1) do not lie on the bed and talk on the phone while Avery is playing on the bed with you. She is probably closer to the edge than you think and you might miss her leg when she falls off the edge and she will probably fall on her head.
2) if you are in the basement playing with Avery and she is not located near the stairs it is not a good idea to run upstairs to answer the phone (the downstairs phone was not working because Avery had pulled out the power to it - this was realized later) and only talk for about a minute because Avery might take the opportunity to go all the way up the stairs on her own.
3) It is not a good idea to try to take a shower when Avery is in the bathroom with you. It doesn't matter how many toys you bring in the room to distract her, they are no match for the shower and shower curtain. Avery is now strong and determined enough to pull the interior shower curtain outside the tub and thinks is it fun to get wet and play in the puddles.
4) Using the toy box to try to pen Avery in within the couches in the basement is not going to last for very long because when she sees something she wants outside her pen she has discovered how to climb into and then out of the toy box. (please see photo below)

Hopefully these tips will come in handy if you are taking care of Avery one day. We are looking for people who want to spend some quality time with her on the weekend so Craig and I can paint and finish the kitchen. No resumes are required and you can visit with her at your house or ours. Just call to let us know if you are interested!!

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