Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Little Miss Mischevious

She may look like a calm angel in the first photo but then next 3 photos show the real side of Avery. In case you are wondering that is a special type of speaker wire she has around her neck and yes she did that to herself.
She is into everything and her reach seems to get longer and faster every day. She is definitely a full time job right now but she is also getting more fun and smarter every day. She currently has 4 animal sounds in her repitore including fish, lion, bird and duck.
Avery was sick last week while we were visiting my Mom and Dad but she is recovered.
I think she might be teething right now because I have listened to more crying and whining in the past two days than I have in the past two months.
The only good thing about that is that it makes me want to go back to work.

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