Saturday, April 10, 2010

Avery's Birthday Party with friends

Hi Strangers,
I am back again after a significant hiatus. Thanks to those who gently encouraged me to get my butt in gear again. There is justification for my time away and it includes such events such as a trip to Vancouver to visit Meghan, Mark and Hadley for the first week of the Olympics (fantastic), trying to finish the photobook I make for the grandparents every year (almost there) the death of my Grandma Beth after being ill for a couple of weeks (we miss her), toilet training McKinley (he is doing among other of life's little challenges. I don't have to tell everyone how busy life is sometimes but I always like to be reminded that people are still crazy enough to be interested in my darling children and to encourage me to share our photos with everyone. I have also recently joined Facebook - it doesn't seem to be fading away so I thought I would finally see what all the fuss was about, I have to admit that I am still wondering about the fuss so if you are reading this feel free to add me as a friend so I will think Facebook is the best invention ever.
So anyways back to the photos...this is Avery's 4th birthday party at the London Children's Museum. She had 10 friends and family there and they had a great time. Avery loved the attention she true thrives being in the centre of things. The gift opening was my favourite when she was sitting in a chair and everyone else was on the floor and she kept telling everyone (in her best teacher voice) to scootch back so she had room to open her present.

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