Monday, March 13, 2006

Hi Everyone,
Well there are so many great photos of Avery we thought the best way to share them would be a blog. So this is my first attempt at the new fangled, high tech world of blogging.
Everything is going well with Avery. She is now 2 months and one day old. We took a trip to the pediatrician today and she is now 10 lbs and 9 oz. According to him she is well ahead of the game. She had to go to the doctor so he could remove a granuloma on her belly button. Now she will have an 'innie' and will be ready for her bikini when the weather warms up.
Avery is getting more fun and brighter every day. She is generous with her smiles and has recently started doing some cardiovascular exercise. Basically, she lies on her back and pretends she is running while maniacally waving her arms. It is pretty hysterical. She is desperately trying to be like her cousin Callum in the barfing department and she does a pretty good job. She likes to mix it up though and she will throw up undigested breast milk (usually in a projectile fashion) or a lovely cottage cheese mixture (I assume this is partially digested). I have admitted defeat and been to the store twice to purchase more bibs.
That is all for my first attempt but I will keep you posted.