Saturday, March 25, 2006

Home from Cleveland

Well, Avery in now an international traveller. She headed down to Cleveland to visit her great grandparents and great aunts and uncle and her cousins. She was accompanied by Aunt Brianna, Uncle Graham and Callum. She was a big hit and had a good time visiting everyone. Both the babies did well on the long car ride. Avery was boring and slept most of the way but Callum was entertaining. Craig and Graham spent the entire time renovating Aunt Julie's kitchen and Brianna and I visited and did some shopping. Our favourite shopping was at Aunt Laurie's house where Brianna and I each walked away with a huge bag of clothes for the kids, and you just can't beat her prices. We also managed to stuff a couple of toys that Laurie was giving away in the van to take home. Avery is starting to have fun batting at objects with her hands and to grab onto things. So we took home a cart that she lies under and plays with hanging objects and depending on what one she hits it will play music. She will lie there for up to an hour batting away. Thanks Laurie!
So now we are home and trying to find space for all the clothes we brought home and starting to make a new list for what to pack to take to Whitehorse to visit with Auntie Meghan and Uncle Mark. I am hoping she travels well on the plane because she can be pretty noisy when she is crying. Craig and I are doing well. Craig has had a few opportunites to 'parent' independently while I have been at a cake decorating class or playing in a fun indoor beach volleyball tournament and he has managed with flying colours. He is not looking forward to being on his own for 2 weeks while we are up north but we have the webcams and Skype set up so he can keep tabs on how she is doing.
I hope you enjoy the blog and all the photos. Let me know in your comments if there is anything you want to know.

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